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Best Body Sculpting Treatment For A Six-Pack

Even if you do all the crunches and ab exercises in the world, you may not be able to get 6-pack abs. If you are at a healthy weight yet can’t seem to tighten your core muscles, there is a body sculpting treatment that may be just what you need to get that 6-pack.

Here at Image Surgical Arts, we can combine High Definition liposuction with Renuvion skin tightening to give you the flat, toned abdomen you deserve. Read on to learn more about each of these revolutionary treatments.

35 year old caucasian man high definition VASER core liposuction

*Individual Results May Vary

What is High Definition Liposuction?

High Definition liposuction involves the use of VASER to sculpt the body. VASER is a cutting-edge ultrasound assisted liposuction technology that can help you achieve a sculpted contour. The VASER system makes it possible for Dr. Harris to define the six-pack muscles and provide more dramatic results than traditional liposuction. Dr. Harris is one of the only surgeons in middle Tennessee to offer high definition liposuction. He has lectured all over the world regarding High Definition liposuction.

What is Renuvion?

Renuvion by Apyx Medical uses a special device that turns helium gas into a precise stream of energy called plasma to tighten loose skin in the abdomen area. It stands out from conventional devices because it pairs concentrated energy with cold helium gas to focus the radiofrequency energy exactly where it needs to be. This is a minimally invasive procedure that is typically performed by Dr. Harris under light sedation or no sedation at all. When combined with High Definition liposuction, our patients generally require anesthesia.

Body Sculpting Consultations Available

Reasons Getting a 6-Pack is Difficult

There are a number of reasons it may be tough for you to get a 6-pack through diet and exercise. First of all, you may have too much body fat covering your abdominal wall. You may also be doing the same ab exercises instead of diversifying. Frequently changing your diet may make it a challenge to get 6-pack abs as well.

Good Candidates for the 6-Pack Body Sculpting Treatment

If you are in good shape yet can’t seem to get that 6-pack, you may enjoy great results with our unique 6-pack body sculpting treatment. It’s important to note that since this treatment is designed to sculpt the abdomen area, it will not help you shed unwanted pounds and is not a substitute for diet and exercise.

My experience with Image Surgical Arts was amazing! Dr. Brady Harris and his team of professionals are awesome. The office is absolutely beautiful and inviting so you feel right at home. The staff are very helpful and kind. I highly recommend everyone to them.

Take the Next Step

If you’re interested in finding out whether you’re a good candidate for our six-pack body sculpting treatment, we encourage you to schedule an in-person consultation at Image Surgical Arts. Call us at (615) 499-4224 or fill out our online contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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