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What Exactly Happens During A Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is a popular procedure that significantly enhances that backside with minimal pain, side effects, and downtime. Both men and women can benefit from this unique procedure that uses your own autologous fat to restore volume in the buttocks.

At Image Surgical Arts, Dr. Brady Harris uses his advanced surgical methods and techniques to ensure an optimal outcome each and every time. As a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, he’s helped many men and women achieve their specific goals through Brazilian butt lift procedures.

*Individual Results May Vary

Brazilian Butt Lift: What to Expect?

A Brazilian butt lift is typically done in a three-step process under twilight sedation or general anesthetic. He will discuss all of your options in-depth at the time of your initial consultation.

Step 1: Harvest Fat

Once a donor site has been determined (usually the back, flanks, and abdomen), the area will be cleansed and readied for harvesting fat. Small incisions (about ¼ inch) are made allowing a thin cannula tube to gently suction fat away. Unlike traditional liposuction methods that can damage fat cells, Dr. Harris uses an advanced VASER system to produce further enhanced results.

Step 2: Separate Fat

Fat is then isolated from other tumescent fluid and prepared for the next phase of treatment. Using a specialized technique, we’re able to ensure a high survival rate for fat cells that will maximize the outcome of your procedure. The fat is then readied for re-injection.

Step 3: Re-Inject Fat

Dr. Harris will begin strategically placing the fat in desired areas according to your specific goals. Fat is placed at precise depths to achieve the look you want while also preventing unwanted complications.

Brazilian Buttock Lift Consultations Available

Once the fat has successfully been transferred from the donor site to the buttocks, any incisions will then be closed with medical-grade sutures.

What Happens After A Brazilian Butt Lift?

Brazilian butt lifts are done on an outpatient basis allowing you to recover in the comfort of your own home. Most patients report minimal pain in the days following their surgery. Downtime is limited compared to implant augmentation, and you’ll be able to return to many day-to-day activities in about 1-week. More strenuous tasks such as exercise should be avoided for about 3-weeks.

Each Brazilian butt lift performed at Image Surgical Arts is unique. Dr. Harris will use his knowledge as a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon to create a custom recovery plan just for you.

I am so happy I found Image Surgical Arts! Everyone made me feel extremely important and I could feel how much they truly cared about me and my experience. They are wholeheartedly dedicated to their patients. I would absolutely and without hesitation recommend Image Surgical Arts whenever possible!

Take the Next Steps

Ready to learn more about a Brazilian Butt Lift? Schedule your in-person consultation with Dr. Harris at Image Surgical Arts today. Simply fill out the contact form on this page or give us a call at 615-499-4224.

*Individual results may vary.

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