Skin Tightening (Face & Body) in Nashville, TN

Entrust your cosmetic experience to Dr. Harris and the Image Surgical Arts team of experienced professionals.


Your age, genetics, exposure to the sun and certain lifestyle habits such as smoking can all add up over time to leave the skin on your face looking loose or creepy.  Furthermore, life events like pregnancy and significant weight fluctuations can result in saggy skin in other areas. Over time as we age, our skin loses moisture and volume, inviting visible fine lines, wrinkles, deeper folds and larger areas of sagging. No one wants that!

At Image Surgical Arts, we can help you reverse those signs of aging and show the world a smoother, more youthful and vibrant facial appearance as well as more shapely contours. Although Dr. Brady Harris is a renowned facial cosmetic surgeon, he knows that some patients don’t want or need a facelift. So we also use non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments for women and men who want to restore a smoother, more youthful facial appearance without going under the knife.

Facial Skin Tightening Options

We have multiple ways to correct facial skin laxity, so we can custom-tailor a treatment plan that fits each individual’s skin and goals.

Radiofrequency-Based Treatments

We especially like Vivace®, SecretTM Pro and Morpheus8 treatment options for tightening facial skin.

Fine Lines & Wrinkle Treatment Nashville

All three use bipolar radiofrequency (RF) technology, which tightens the skin at the dermoepidermal junction -- where the epidermis attaches to the dermal layers of skin. These treatments use micro-needles that deliver heat at the tips. Inserting the needles into the dermoepidermal junction stimulates collagen and elastin production, and the heat helps tighten skin from within.

RF microneedling also provides some superficial re-texturizing of facial skin, which helps reduce pore size and minimize fine lines, wrinkles and acne scarring.

Traditional Microneedling

This treatment is a good choice for older teens and adults into their late 30s whose primary goal is overall skin rejuvenation. Microneedling can provide skin tightening, but it is not as effective for more severe laxity. We use both SkinPen and Rejuvapen.

Subnovii Plasma Pen

This device uses heat for semi-ablative resurfacing and rejuvenation. It causes micro-injuries to the fibroblasts in the skin. We use it to treat stubborn areas that don’t respond well to other treatments – primarily the upper and lower eyelids, but also above the lips for smoker’s lines and for laxity and lines in the neck.

Body Skin Tightening Options

Every person is different, so Image Surgical Arts offers multiple non-surgical treatments to tighten skin and smooth contours on the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks and legs. We help you choose the most effective device and create a customized treatment plan based on your specific concerns and goals.

truSculpt® & truFlexfor® Stubborn Fat with Skin Laxity

For patients who want to reduce stubborn fat in a particular area as well as tighten skin, we recommend truSculpt® treatment because its radiofrequency heat effectively addresses both concerns.

However, patients often tell us they want to see not only tighter skin but a slimmer, more toned appearance. So we may also recommend truFlex® treatment. This device also uses radiofrequency, but it works to tone muscles as if you had done thousands of crunches and squats on your own.

By combining these two treatments, we can help patients burn off fat, tone muscles and tighten skin to achieve more comprehensive improvement.

Morpheus8 for Small Pockets of Fat with Skin Laxity

Some patients have loose skin due to pregnancy or weight fluctuations but are in good shape overall. They may have a small amount of extra fat, but not enough to require using a higher volume fat reduction device. In this case, we recommend Morpheus8. This radiofrequency-based microneedling treatment can reach 8mm into the skin, penetrating the fat layer to deliver heat. We can control the number of passes needed to achieve desired results.

Morpheus8 also stimulates production of collagen and elastin in the treated area to help tighten skin after fat is reduced. This makes this treatment a great choice for patients with stretch marks or who want to improve overall skin texture as well as tightening.

Tighter, smoother skin and body contours can do a lot to improve appearance and boost self-confidence. And we may be able to help you achieve significant results without surgery. A personal consultation is the best way to learn which treatment option is best for you.

Results & Maintenance

Because everyone has different aesthetic goals and starts with their own unique face and body shape, results from these treatments will vary. Some patients will see drastic changes and others desire only subtle results. A large factor in how pleased patients are with their own results is how realistic their expectations are. Dr. Harris and his team pride themselves on honesty and transparency so you can be confident that they will give it to you straight! 

As part of your treatment plan, our team will also recommend an ongoing skin care regimen to help you preserve and protect your smoother, more youthful post-treatment facial appearance. If you’ve worked with our team to correct sagging skin on other areas of your body, proper nutrition and exercise will be the key to maintaining your results.


Request Your Consultation

The best way to know if any of these skin tightening treatments are the best solution for your own concerns is to schedule your own consultation. 

After a thorough examination of your face or body, and an in-depth conversation about your aesthetic goals, Dr. Harris will collaborate with you to create the best treatment plan for your unique situation. 

All consultations are confidential and we pride ourselves on striving to make every person we meet feel at ease in our care. Patient safety and comfort is our top priority! Just tap "request an appointment" at the bottom of the page!

Renuvion Skin Tightening Nashville, TN

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